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Strategy of development through quality Benefit finding from management

Published: 2017-08-22 87 Font size

17 years precipitation
Actions speak louder than words   Pursuit of Excellence   Go beyond ourselves
The ingenuity made DAHAN became the industry leader

Shandong Dahan Construction Machinery Co., Ltd. (for short: DAHAN Stock, stock code: 834353) located in the old times spring city - Jinan City (Zhangqiu District), the company established in November 2000, is a large enterprise groups specializing in the production of " tower crane "and" construction hoist " in China's construction machinery industry. With a registered capital of 103 million yuan, full with research and development, production, sales, service and financial. At present, the company has three major production base seperately in Shandong, Hunan and Guangdong, the annual production capacity over 10,000 units, exports to nearly 100 countries and regions,became leading brand in tower crane and construction hoist industry.

Whether the product can be advance triumphantly in the market all the way, the quality is the guarantee. As the origin of the management science and engineering professional doctoral, the general manager of the DAHAN--Ge Jingjie,devoted a lot of effort to the quality management , firmly establish the  awareness that quality is prioritized, insist on the road of quality and efficiency.

Talking about the quality improvement program of the fist product, the hearts of employees have laid a deep imprint, figures and standards are boring, but it is the traffic permit for us to open the market pass, is the stepping stone to the user.

Insist on "customer-centric" to improve the level of customer service. To further improve the pre-sale, sale, after-sales service mechanism to improve the core service rapid response and processing speed, enhance customer satisfaction.

Practice the "3T" principle of conduct, strictly according with the standard  that "timely, accurate, exceed customer expectations,"to carry out every work, to create a team with highly efficient collaboration, strong execution and high level service.

Improve the quality management system, fully implemente production standard process card. To generalize the production standards system in the whole process scope, resolutely implement the "three don't principles", namely: do not accept nonconforming products, do not manufacture nonconforming products, do not flow out nonconforming products. So that every employee establish the faith that "manufacture the product that satisfied both their own and customers", to ensure the quality of the product through the excellent work quality of all staff.

Insist on innovation drive, promote product transformation and upgrading. Leading industry development trend, innovation and research and development of large tower crane, high-speed construction hoist and intelligent parking equipment, continuous tracking product using, timely grasp of market conditions. Face up to the the problems and shortcomings in development, aim at the problems and recommendations feedback by the market, one by one to implementate, one by one to improve, and enhance product quality comprehensively.


To promote the implementation of cost reduction measures. On the standard industry advanced enterprises to promote the process optimization, reduce cost, and deepen the cooperation with the well-known suppliers to reduce procurement costs. Optimize production organization to reduce failure. Effectively strengthen the key equipment inspection and maintenance, timely disposal of sudden situation, do a good job of accident control, reduce the loss of accidents, to insure capacity to play. To take the whole process of energy consumption dynamic tracking analysis, control of energy costs.

Pay attention to personnel training, Recruitment of staff to form the development potential. Set up "Eagle Plan" to cultivate the echelon, to carry out multi-level, multi-type training activities to enhance the quality of the team, in the leader team of production, business management and above, popularize business management concepts and knowledge, make full use of staff learning to promote the improvement of business management level.

Strategy of development through quality  Benefit finding from management. It is not only a slogan in DAHAN headquarters, it is a real hard target, is a hard bar.

Road is far, walk to reach,
Things are difficult, do it will succeed,
The employees of DAHAN believe that
As long as there is courage not fear difficulties,
We will be able to move ahead in the tide of the market.